Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Belize Day 3: Can we race? (Updated)

Did a nice 2-3 hour ride today to Crooked Tree, but our whole gang is pretty stressed out. It was really nice to meet up on the road with the Sugar City Boys team and train together. The roads here are really rough and it was good to have friends, teamates and a support truck to share the ride with. We are running into some opposition down here to letting us americans race. There were some heated discussions at the team meeting last night that lasted late into the evening. We have been going round and round with the Belizian Cycling Association constantly. Their intentions are good, but we are having to scramble to get documentations squared away that we had already sent prior to us buying tickets to race. Foriegners racing in the USA don't have anywere close to the hard time as they evidently do down here with registration. We just want to race! Right now there is about a 70% chance we can race tomorrow, but that other 30% is driving us crazy. Big thanks to our NC/SC Cycling Association President, Vicki Lyons for all of her help in getting us the repeatitive documentation they are needing down here. All in all a real stressful night last night and today. We need to get out and go for a walk to clear our minds. Great Country, great climate, great people, but a totally different approach to allowing foriegn riders to race.

5:30pm: Things look much more promising for us to race tomorrow and we are prepared. Our local friends, Melin with the Sugar City team and Andrew with Acros-Guiness, have taken great care of us while we have been down here and helping us get things squared away with the race. We re-sent all of our documents and are ready for a good race. Our spirits have picked up greatly. I am looking forward to dinner tonight at La Hacinda and a nice team meeting tonight. Everyone is fit and ready, but heat is definately going to be a factor, but we have a good plan and great teammates and support. Breakfast early tomorrow and we head off to Corizal to start the race at 9:00, which runs from the Belize-Mexico boarder to Belize City, 100 miles south.

Someone local at home keep Melissa in the loop, my email is down and I can't get through. Adam


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys can get to ride, that's the only way we sharpen each other with exposure.
just hang in there......sometimes i cant understand my people.

cycle fan/cyclist/ Belizean living in the USA



Fisher Road Team said...

Thanks guys, I am confident that we can race now. We have had great support from the locals hear to be involved with the race.

Young Adults Sunday School Class said...

Hi Adam, Sorry I missed your calls. It was bedtime here when you called and I was putting the girls to sleep. I have been keeping up with things on your blog, and I'm sorry you are having so much trouble getting to race there. I hope all goes well tomorrow. Aidan has drawn you a few more pictures of you winning the race, so do your best job! I love you and will see you soon!