Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Post race recovery meal...you pick

We'll let our readers weigh in on our delema...Darren opted for a Muscle Milk shake ($2.95), while Adam ventured for a streetcar vendor Sausage Dog and Coke ($3.00).


Andy Woolard said...

as an incredibly talented and sought-after marketing guru, i must say, this is what your readers desire. more pictures of darren.

would it be relevant to factor in post-recovery meal digestive status i this equation?

Fisher Road Team said...

He still hams it up for the camera...a throwback to his college days as a model in the Sears catalog. No one ever rocked that crimson Members Only jacket like ol D.

ALPE_RIDER said...

My vote is for the Coke and Sausage dog!! Infact, I hope that Adam will bring some this eveing to Harkeyville to replenish us!!!!!